!!! warning 'In any case, do not use the default passwords. Please note: if your password contains the # character, you must escape it using a backslash like ROOT_PASSWD = pass\#word. You can change other parameters as you wish. You must specify the path to the SD card on your local computer (this will be used to format and install the system) and the version of your Raspberry Pi and platform. Other options are for legacy or specialized PiKVM boards (WIP).Ĭreate the config file config.mk for the target system.PLATFORM=v0-hdmiusb for RPi2 or 3b+ with HDMI-USB dongle and Arduino HID.PLATFORM=v0-hdmi for RPi2 or 3b+ with HDMI-CSI bridge and Arduino HID.PLATFORM=v2-hdmiusb for RPi4 with HDMI-USB dongle.
More info: ( /2014/03/installing-oracle-jdk-8-on-raspberry-pi.html) Download the tar.gz file from the.
Determine the target hardware configuration (platform):